The project created the environment for a new method of working with addicts
in institutional treatment. Until now, the standard was to offer the same
structured long-term treatment (in terms of the programme and time) to all
patients regardless of their actual situation. From the beginning, the patient’s
role was passive, competent to a low extent and limited in many respects. The
project enabled the existing admissions department (detox) to be replaced with
a 3D department (department of detoxification, diagnosis and differentiated
care), where:
• the analysis of the patient takes place and further medical procedures that
correspond to the identified opportunities and needs better are designed
• the therapeutic programme is completely individualised to treat patients
with various special needs (among other things, an environment was created
where people who were disadvantaged in the standard structured treatment
for addiction, e.g. for simultaneous dual diagnosis, may be treated)
• continued treatment beyond the institutional environment is offered
and comprehensive stabilisation is ensured
• from the beginning, the role of the patient is maximally active with
a minimum of blanket restrictions
In December 2016, the project received the
Kiron Award for the Best
Achievement of the Year 2016.
Creating the conditions for the implementation
of enhanced and differentiated care
at Psychiatric Hospital Červeny Dvůr
Example of the project
Since 1966,
the psychiatric hospital Červený Dvůr has been an establishment specialised in
medium-term institutional treatment of drug addiction and pathological gambling. At present,
the capacity of the psychiatric hospital is 109 beds, every year 550 to 750 patients attend
the therapy programme in the hospital.
Addictology is a science
dealing with drug addictions.
Project Promoter
Psychiatric Hospital Červený
Dvůr (Czech Republic)