Description of the grant recipient:
University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague
The University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague is the most important research technology university
in the Czech Republic, with a strong international reputation in education, science and research in all fields
of chemistry, chemical and fuel material technologies, environmental protection technologies and foodstuff
technologies. Its research activities focus on basic and applied research and custom-made research carried
out for industrial companies. The University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague has ample experience
with the commercialization of research results. It owns a number of patents and utility designs, many of which
were implemented on an industrial scale.
Description of partners:
ÚJV Řež, a. s.
ÚJV Řež, a.s. is a major technological engineering and research organization that contributes to the development
of the sustainable energy sector, while respecting its environmental dimensions in the conditions of the Czech
Republic. It focuses, in particular, on research and technological engineering services in the power industry
which support long-term cost-efficient, ecological, safe and reliable operation of production plants operated by
ČEZ, a.s., as well as other entities in the energy sector.
Czech Technical University in Prague
The Czech Technical University in Prague, as the largest technical university in the Czech Republic, or its
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, to be more precise, focuses on tertiary education as well as on science
and research in technical fields. The scientific research and creative technical activities are carried out as part
of specific research, by solving projects financed from departmental resources, from grant agency resources,
funds as well as international programmes, or by solving tasks under direct cooperation with the Czech
Academy of Sciences, research institutes and the industry.
Equipment for tests of high
temperature corrosion of
structural materials samples.
Photo credit: Marek Staf
Scheme of high temperature
carbonate loop. Photo credit:
Marek Staf