Project website:
Czech Union for Nature
Conservation – Basic
Organization Veronica
(Ecological institute)
Brno (CZ)
Oslo and Akershus
University College of
Applied Sciences (HiOA)
Oslo (NO)
VŠB – Technical University
of Ostrava, Faculty of Safety
Ostrava (CZ)
National Network of Local
Action Groups in the Czech
Benešov (CZ)
Local Action Group Opavsko
Hradec nad Moravicí (CZ)
The main objective of the project was to create and apply tools for integrating
climate change adaptation into regional development strategies for rural areas,
and for enhancing their resilience. The proposals of adaptation measures are
based on risks of natural as well as technological origin identified in the territory;
it is therefore important to concentrate on negative changes and phenomena
that will be caused or augmented by climate change. For that reason, the
identification of potential threats (e.g. drought, floods, heat, forest fires, power
supply interruptions) is the basic step in creating strategies for climate change
adaptation. Next, assessment is made of the vulnerability of the territory to such
threats, the possible impact they could have, and their likelihood.
As the threats arising from climate change are manifold, the strategy of a
territory should take into account mainly those that represent the most serious
risks. The proposed procedure tested in the project is used primarily by Local
Action Groups so that they can assess the vulnerability of their territory, weigh
the suitable adaptation measures and then use them in creating their strategies.
This methodology was used in practice by 24 Local Action Groups across
the Czech Republic. Cooperation with the Norwegian partner helped to adapt
and subsequently use a methodology for drawing up vulnerability analyses
and for evaluating the quality of participation and reliability of the actors
involved. To encourage the involvement of the young generation, a national
school contest CO
League took place.
The environmental institute Veronica is a professional centre of the Basic Unit of the Czech Union for
Nature Conservation Veronica. Through its expert and educational activity it provides interpretation of
specialised environmental topics. It deals both with urban and rural environment, in a broad scope from
local detail up to international context. It operates an environmental consulting centre, the Veronica
Hoštětín Centre, and puts out a magazine of the same name.
Resiliency and adaptation to climate change
in regional strategies