The programme is focused comprehensively on 
mentally ill patients and their families. Projects that 
contributed to the creation and implementation of  
a comprehensive rehabilitation system in psychiatric 
care facilities were supported. The new system allows 
continuous monitoring and assessment of the patient’s 
condition and thus a decision to be made to place 
them outside a medical institution in a community 
care facility, where the patient gradually prepares for 
a return to normal life. This enhances the likelihood 
of the disease not returning. The smaller projects 
focused on further work with released patients, 
prevention of disease recurrence, better involvement 
in daily life and also removing the prejudice against 
mentally ill patients and psychiatric care.

The CZ11 Programme enabled 12 hospitals and 
medical institutions to introduce a comprehensive 
rehabilitation programme, which connected mental 
health care in the areas of physical and mental  
health and social needs. 

The goal of comprehensive rehabilitation is:
• reducing the symptoms of the disease
• avoiding a return to a mental hospital
• promoting independent functioning in everyday  
 and working life 
• arousing and regaining the ability to work and study

With this system, the patients can quickly return to 
their home environment. 

With respect to the lacking network of follow-up 
care providers that could offer support for released 
patients in their home environment, assistance  
was also aimed at non-profit organisations that 
provide long-term alternative care to patients and 
their families. This includes, for example, the activity 
of sheltered workshops, sheltered housing, social 
rehabilitation, and prevention of psychiatric diseases 
and their consequences. The CZ11 Programme 
allowed, inter alia, investments in the equipment  
and facilities of community centres, leading to  
the possibility of further development and training  
of their workers. 

So as to facilitate a return to normal life, activities 
that acquaint the general public with advances 
in psychiatric care and help to break down the 
stereotypes associated with mental illness were 