Centrum D8, Roudnice nad Labem

Key Message | Norway, Iceland - EHP |
Organization Name | Centrum D8, Roudnice nad Labem |
Area of Activities |
We send greetings from the Czech Republic and we approach you with a request for cooperation in education. We are a non-profit organization from Roudnice nad Labem, a town near Prague. We try to link schools and kindergartens to informal education http://centrumd8.cz/ https://skola-osmicka.edupage.org/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5vm-0MuCnM. |
Contact | filisa1310@gmail.com |
Area of Cooperation | Vzdělání, Lidská práva |
Project Idea |
We are planning a project to help our teachers in their work with pupils who have a handicap – social exclusion, foreigners, Roma, multiculturality, etc. We are going to submit a project in which we would like to have partners in Norway or Iceland – one kindergarten and one primary school. All funds will be covered by our project. The project will start from August 1, 2020 for a period of 12 – 24 months and during this time educators from the Czech Republic would come to you to see your teachers teach for about a week. On our return we will put together a methodology which will be introduced to our colleagues here. An educational centre, where international teaching experience will be shared, will be created. The project application is quite urgent, we must submit it at the beginning of March 2020. For feedback we want to invite some of your colleagues to stay in Czech schools and to visit some sights in the Czech Republic – Prag, Roudnice n.L. This stay will be also covered by our funds. Thank you for your feedback and for your help and we are looking forward to any possible cooperation. Regards Šárka Filipová, Centrum D8, Roudnice nad Labem, Czech republic. |
Country of Origin | Česká republika |
Looking for a Partner from | Iceland, Norway |
Extra |