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Points – Progressive Options in Technology and Science

Department 58 – International Relations
Department 58 – International Relations


RegionÚstí nad Labem Region
Title of the ProgrammeCZ07 - Scholarship Programme
Title of the ProjectPoints – Progressive Options in Technology and Science
Project Website

Number of the ProjectEHP-CZ07-ICP-3-275-2015
Project Promoter

Gymnázium Teplice

Name of Norwegian Partner(s)

Numedal videregaende skole

Objective of the Project

POinTS = Progressive Options in Technology and Science was a mutual cooperation project between Gymnázium Teplice from the Czech Republic and Numedal Videregaende skole from Norway, in which teachers and students from both countries searched for connections between current scientific knowledge and its development in historical context. They used a wide range of ICT tools and an e-learning platform in order to deal with challenging tasks from different fields of science and technology. Another aim was to point out that scientific knowledge, as we perceive it nowadays, is related to revolutionary findings from the past, and therefore we should understand science and technology as branches continuously in progress. Project goals were focused on both teachers and students through five learning modules related to natural science and history and were designed for the target group of children aged 15 - 17 years. The participants gained knowledge in various science issues based on teamwork activities.

Approved grant

380 517 CZK / 14 359 €

Project DurationStart date: 01.01.2016, End date: 30.09.2016