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Collaboration in the execution of doctoral study programmes focusing on engineering, materials and mechatronics

Department 58 – International Relations
Department 58 – International Relations


Updated 18-9-2017
  • Changes in number and Summary

RegionLiberec Region
Title of the ProgrammeCZ07 - Scholarship Programme
Title of the ProjectCollaboration in the execution of doctoral study programmes focusing on engineering, materials and mechatronics
Project Website

Number of the ProjectNF-CZ07-ICP-2-089-2014
Project Promoter

Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovation

Name of Norwegian Partner(s)

University of Stavanger

Objective of the Project

The aim of the project was to establish sustainable collaboration in the execution of Ph.D. study programs focusing on engineering, materials and mechatronics between the Technical University of Liberec (TUL) and the University of Stavanger (UIS).To establish sustainable collaboration between TUL and UIS, the project made use of several activities, whichwere as follows:

1. Individual visits by academic and administrative staff at the partner university.

2. Workshops for Ph.D. students and their lecturers.

3. Summer school.

4. A manual written in English at both universities that provided constructive guidance on how to begin doctoral studies in the given country.

5. Documentation of selected doctoral programs was reviewed and where necessary updated in both English and the national language.

This formed the basis for analysing the possibilities for harmonizing related programs in order to prepare agreements on “double degree diplomas”.

Approved grant

997 755 CZK

Project DurationStart date: 1.1. 2015, End date: 31.12.2015