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Center of psychiatric rehabilitation PH Horní Beřkovice

Department 58 – International Relations
Department 58 – International Relations


Title of the ProgrammePublic Health Initiatives – Activity I. – Mental health care
Title of the ProjectCenter of psychiatric rehabilitation PH Horní Beřkovice
Number of the ProjectNF-CZ11-OV-2-028-2015
Project Promoter

Psychiatric Hospital Horní Beřkovice

Name of Local Partner(s)

Fokus Labe

Fokus Liberec

Fokus Praha

Objective of the Project

Czech Republic is one of the countries in the European Union which do not have a functioning system of comprehensive and complex programme for mental health care. The project objective is designed to provide response to this missing element of health and social care patients suffering from serious mental disorders (“SMI”). The concept is based on the expertise of the staff at the Psychiatric hospital Horní Beřkovice (“PN HoB”) with these patients in the hospital and the limitations for their re-integration into normal life. Project actively react to the paradigm shift in psychiatry, which currently represented by “mental health care reform”. At present time, the mental disorder care process at PN HoB focuses mostly on the initial phase of stabilization; CTC should supplement this process by systematic programme which will provide assistance to the patients in coping with subsequent phases such as re-orientation and primarily re-integration into normal life with residency and ideally work outside the hospital.

The CTC programme is divided in the 4 basic phases: 1. Diagnostic and motivational phase, 2. Planning phase, 3. Therapy phase, 4. Evaluation phase.

Global objective of activities: Improving quality and efficiency of treatment processes with the aim of reducing the time and frequency of hospital stay for the mentally ill patients and support toward their integration into society outside the hospital.

Partial objectives: creation of material, technical and personal conditions for providing this complex therapy.

Programme of psychiatric therapy cannot be presently provided in the planned extent because PN HoB does not have the available technical and personnel capacity. A number of activities is currently provided in smaller extent and non-systemically.

CTC at PN HoB is designed as a separate ward with linked units – training centre for manual skills and training centre for psycho-social skills. These two training facilities will be newly build. The ward will function on community principle.

The training centre for manual skills will be created by reconstructing the current coal storage facility into two-floor therapy unit. There will be new workshops and premises for:

1) small physiotherapy gym

2) 6 workshops with ergo-therapeutic focus

3) 3 rooms for community and group therapy

The training centre for psycho-social skills will be created by reconstruction of the second floor of the monastery within the psychiatric hospital. New premises will be connected to existing rooms that are used in subsequent care by providing interactive treatment between patients and non-profits involved in subsequent care. The new premises and units will include:

1) Training washing room

2) Training kitchen and dining room

3) Therapeutic room for individual consultations

4) rooms for interaction between patients and non-profits

5) room for community and group therapy

6) room for PC training of cognitive functions.

The project will be implemented in direct cooperation with three regional representatives of o.s. Fokus. Infrastructure preparation will be accompanies by completing the CTC programme so that therapy in the hospital / centre will begin equipping patients with skills and knowledge that is necessary to handle all situations after their release into normal life. The implementation and sustainability will be ensured by regular meetings of Therapy planning group including doctors from the hospital (psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, nurse and ergo-therapist) and Fokus representatives. This group will jointly plan therapy for each of the admitted patients.

The project anticipates involvement of about 80 unique patients with SMI each calendar year. The specific form of therapy will be determined individually for such patient. The length of the complex therapy programme will range from 3 to 12 months. The ward will treat maximum of 25 patients at once, in groups of 4 to 8. Besides patients treated in CTC, the trainings and therapy will be also offered to other patients at the hospital.


Approved grant

approximately 938 068 EUR

Project DurationStart date: 1st January 2015, End date: 30th April 2016