Cooperation Committee meeting and visit of projects within the Programme CZ11 Public Health Initiatives

Cooperation Committee meeting of Programme CZ11 - “Public Health Initiatives" was held on 1 December 2015 in University Hospital of Pilsen.
The Czech Republic was represented by the Ministry of Finance - National Focal Point and Programme Operator, Ministry of Health - Programme Partner. The meeting was attended by the representatives of the Donor Programme Partner - Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Royal Norwegian Embassy in Prague and Financial Mechanism Office.
The Cooperation Committee meeting was devoted primarily to current issues related to the implementation of Programme CZ11. There were also discussed issues focused on the strengthening of bilateral cooperation at the programme level as this is an essential aspect of the EEA and Norway grants 2009- 2014.
Within the Cooperation Committee meeting of Programme CZ11 two projects - “Development of activities and modernisation of the facilities at the Centre for Development Care in the Neonatological Department of the University Hospital of Pilsen” and “Rehabilitation ward with a new kind of treatment (with comprehensive psychiatric rehabilitation)” in Psychiatric Hospital in Dobřany were visited.
The Norwegian partners were able to get practical experience with the Czech system of healthcare services and see the projects co-financed from the Norway Grants.