Launch Event of the Programme Human Rights, Roma Inclusion and Domestic and Gender-based Violence

The new Programme „Human Rights, Roma Inclusion and Domestic and Gender-based Violence” was officially launched at a conference in Prague on 13 March 2019. Within the programming period of Norway Grants 2014 - 2021 more than half billion of Czech Korunas will be distributed by the Ministry of Finance (the Programme Operator) among projects aimed at human rights protection, inclusion of Roma in Czech society, Roma empowerment, prevention of domestic and gender-based violence and protection of victims.
The conference was attended by more than 80 professionals, experts and representatives of public administration, the NGO sector and the academic sphere who are active in the areas of programme support. The Ministry of Finance and the International Partner Organisations - the Council of Europe and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights - presented the objective of the programme and its 3 programme areas.
They also introduced the general framework of supported activities, informed participants about setting of grant support for eligible applicants and outlined indicative timeline of open call for proposals. The Ministry of Finance expects the programme budget would allow for up to 70 projects being supported by a grant.
The projects shall be implemented by various public institutions at national, regional and local level as well as by non-profit organizations till 2024. The first call for proposals shall be opened in Q3 2019 and followed by further calls for proposals opened during 2020.