Looking back at the presentation of the Grants at the Colours of Ostrava festival

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Further year of the Colours of Ostrava festival is over. More than 40,000 people come to this multi-genre festival every year. In addition to listening to music from around the world, people have the opportunity to participate in creative workshops or entertaining or ecological activities. They have also the chance to meet the experts from all over the world and discuss various topics in the MeltingPot Centre. It is simply an extraordinary space for getting new information – all of that in one place. It is precisely because of the direct contact with the general public why the EEA and Norway Grants participate with their presentation.
This year we had the opportunity to participate for the second time in the Colours of Ostrava festival. Together with colleagues from the Norwegian Embassy in Prague and the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic (Fund), we prepared a stand where we informed the public about the EEA and Norway Grants in the Czech Republic through various thematic activities.
The main theme of this year's presentation was the anniversary of 15 years of the EEA and Norway Grants in the Czech Republic, as well as the Programme Environment, which is administered by the Fund. Visitors participated in the public collection to save the capercaillie in the Beskydy Mountains, take a picture at a thematic wall symbolizing the fight against climate change and test their knowledge of waste recycling. They could try their luck at the throwing “Magic wall“ for prizes, and also test their knowledge in a quiz regarding the EEA and Norway Grants in the Czech Republic. Also a “research” workshop was prepared especially for children.
We would like to thank everyone who came to our stand, was interested and participated in some of our activities. We believe that, in addition to some of the prices, they also received a good feeling and information that the EEA and Norway Grants have supported interesting and innovative projects during their 15 years in the Czech Republic and have ambitions to support similar projects in the future.