Active Citizens Fund: the first open call for proposals on mid-sized grants

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On October 3, 2019, the Open Society Fund Prague and Committee of Good Will – Olga Havel Foundation on behalf of a consortium of the Active Citizens Fund announced the first open call for proposals on mid-sized grants in programme outcomes Increased citizen participation in civic activities, Strengthened civil society advocacy and watchdog role, Vulnerable groups empowered, Increased support for civic education and media literacy and Increased capacity and sustainability of the civil society sector and individual CSOs. Mandatory outcome for every project is Increased capacity and sustainability of the civil society sector and individual CSOs.
These mid-sized grants in amount of € 8,000–85,000 will be distributed across all five programme areas of the Active Citizens Fund. Supported projects in this call with duration from 1 to 2,5 years are supposed to result into support of current issues within the programme outcomes.
Project applicants shall be Czech non-governmental organisations registered at least two years prior the submission deadline of the application. The total available indicative budget for awarding grants for mid-sized projects under this call is € 4 657 000.
More information here