Contemporary Arts – 2. Open Call for proposals of projects (open until 31. 8. 2021)

Updated 24-8-2021 2:00 PM
- Frequently asked questions added
The Ministry of Finance in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, Arts Council Norway and the Icelandic Centre for Research announces on 21. 5. 2021 2nd Open Call for proposals of projects focusing on contemporary arts.
The call is open to all who are planning unique professional cultural and creative acts taking place in the Czech Republic from spring 2022. We are looking for innovative projects daring to address current social challenges / arising from local needs / opening intercultural dialogue / open to interdisciplinary cooperation / aiming at original creation and its presentation / developing audience / not afraid of coproduction / strengthening management of cultural operators and artists.
Allocation: 79 500 000 Kč / EUR 3 000 000
Deadline for submission of applications: 31 8. 2021 (12:00 p.m.).
Applications can be submitted only electronically in information system CEDR.
All important information about the open call, eligibility of applicants, partners and activities and evaluation of applications are included in the text of the open call and its annex summarizing state aid rules.
For preparation of applications, the applicants shall strictly use the Guideline for Applicants with its annexes. The Guideline includes a Checklist for pre-check of project intention eligibility and readiness for submission of the application.
The text of the open call and the Guideline for Applicants are available for download bellow. Frequently asked questions and answers are available for download in Czech.
Seminar for Applicants
Interested potential applicants can participate in the online seminar held on 31. 5. 2021. The seminar will introduce the open call and conditions for submission of applications. Detailed information about the seminar, its agenda and registration form are available here.
Applications shall be submitted only electronically in information system CEDR.
Entering the IS CEDR is possible via banner CEDR at the homepage or at
A Guide for entering and registration in the IS CEDR is available for download (available in Czech). It is also possible to look at a video-guide that shall help with filling the information in the application in the IS CEDR.
Questions regarding the content of the application and queries for project intent consultations can be directed by e-mail at managed by the Ministry of Culture as the expert partner of the programme.
Technical questions (e.g. eligibility of expenditures, co-financing, indicators, etc.) can be directed by email at managed by the Ministry of Finance – the programme operator.
- 2. Call - Contemporary Arts (CA2)
- Annex 1_Clarification of State Aid Rules_programme Culture 26.4.2021
- Guideline for Applicants (CB2,CA2)
- Annex 1_Grant Application Form (EN)
- Frequently asked questions_only in Czech