Art and Cultural Criticism – Preliminary Results

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We bring preliminary results of Art and Cultural Criticism open call. The Selection Committee recommended 10 exceptional projects.
13 applications were received in the open call lasting from the end of November 2019 until mid-April 2020. More than half of them were prepared with project partners from Norway and Iceland. All applications were evaluated by independent experts and based on their evaluation the Selection Committee recommended 10 projects for support. The list with preliminary can be downloaded below.
The verification of the evaluation process started in September 2020 and it has been confirmed the evaluation managed by the Arts and Theatre Institute (Programme partner) was held in a transparent manner in line with the rules of the EEA Grants, programme Culture and the open call.
Due to the continuing verification process of applications recommended for support, these results are preliminary and may change including the grant size (e.g. resulting from conditions set by the selection committee including budget cuts, conditions of applied state aid regime or other suggested changes).
Final results will be published on after the verification process is concluded as a whole (expected in the second half of October 2020). Applicants will be notified via IS CEDR and data box. Information about the evaluation of individual applications will not be available.
Supported projects will be gradually introduced on our website. They will increase awareness about the importance of art and cultural criticism and help critics and cultural managers in their professional growth.