Acquisition of laboratory analytical equipment for the analysis of micropollutants in water samples
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Region | Plzeň Region |
Title of the Programme | Environment |
Title of the Project | Acquisition of laboratory analytical equipment for the analysis of micropollutants in water samples |
Number of the Project | 3223100002 |
Project Promoter | Povodí Vltavy, státní podnik |
Status | In realization process since 12/2022 |
Grant | 561 980,77 EUR |
Project description:
The project is aimed at the achievement of obligations resulting from the national and European legislation. It is particularly concerned with a group of priority and other polluting substances including the monitoring of candidate substances for the list of priority substances under Directive 2008/105/EC, amending Directive 2013/39/EU, meeting the requirements of Directive 2009/90/EC on the quality of chemical analyses and water condition monitoring. In the analytical practice of water management laboratories, the task will especially involve introduction and optimization of analytical methods into routine practise for determining concentrations of selected micropollutants and their metabolites, primarily in concentrations at the environmental quality standards (EQS) level or in concentrations as close as possible to these limits according to the conditions mentioned in the documents cited above. The project is focused on the acquisition of suitable instruments, their accessories, and the necessary related laboratory equipment for analyses of micropollutants in water and possibly as well as in sediment samples.