Adaptation strategies for climate change in the town of Havířov

Region | Moravian-Silesian Region |
Title of the Programme | Environment Programme |
Title of the Project | Adaptation strategies for climate change in the town of Havířov |
Number of the Project | 3194100001 |
Project Promoter | Statutární město Havířov |
Status | In implementation process since 09/2020 |
Objective of the Project | The aim of the project is to create an adaptation strategy for the statutory city of Havířov, which belongs to the regions with a high representation of industry and a high degree of urbanization. The aim is to create strategic documents that set out a coherent approach to the effects of climate change in the region. |
Total Eligible Costs | 50 000 EUR |
Grant | 45 000 Kč (90 %) |