Advanced oxidation processes (AOP) Moravský Beroun

Region | Olomouc Region |
Title of the Programme | Environment |
Title of the Project | Advanced oxidation processes (AOP) Moravský Beroun |
Number of the Project | 3213200003 |
Project Promoter | Agrovýzkum Rapotín s.r.o. |
Czech Partner | City Moravský Beroun |
Status | In realization process since 03/2022 |
Total Eligible Costs | 378 952 EUR |
Grant | 289 898 EUR |
Project description:
The aim of the project is to prevent the entry of pharmaceuticals, hormones, universally micropolutants in the water ecosystem around the town of Moravský Beroun, where purified waste water from local WWTP is discharged in the territory of the water protective zone with mineral water springs. The pilot unit of the tertiary waste water treatment will be used for the fulfillment of that objective, which will use the technologies of advanced oxidation processes (AOP) and sorption mechanisms. Goal of the project is more than 90% reduction in the content of the monitored substances.
The system will be composed of an ozonizing unit, photolysis UV units and adsorption units. In the context of the pilot installation, the effects of individual parts of the technologies on the degradation of monitored substances will be carried out by analyses in individual levels of AOP units from micropolutants. These micropolutants resist the cleaning process and are discharged into water ecosystems in which the natural ecosystem mechanisms disrupt the natural mechanisms.