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Identification of the main causes of air pollution in the North Bohemian brown coal basin

Department 58 – International Relations
Department 58 – International Relations


Region Ústí nad Labem Region
Title of the ProgrammeEnvironment
Title of the ProjectIdentification of the main causes of air pollution in the North Bohemian brown coal basin
Project Website

Number of the Project3202100006
Project Promoter

Ascend s.r.o.

Project Partner from Donor State


Czech Partner



Estimated project duration: 2/2021–12/2023

Objective of the Project

Air pollution monitoring in the North Bohemian coal basin

The aim of the project is to identify the origin of air pollution by suspended particles in the North Bohemian Coal Basin and to reduce the influence of air pollution sources through the adoption of appropriate measures. The objectives of the project will be achieved through short-term measurements, chemical analysis of particles and the use of new interpretative tools for describing of the air pollution distribution (e.g. OPEN AIR).

The project will have two outputs: Report containing an air pollution analysis and Action plan of Severočeské doly for Bílina quarry.

Total Eligible Costs

226.918 EUR


200.000 EUR (88%)