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Support of biodiversity of wetland localities through land trusts

Department 58 – International Relations
Department 58 – International Relations


Region National coverage
Title of the ProgrammeEnvironment
Title of the ProjectSupport of biodiversity of wetland localities through land trusts
Number of the Project3201200018
Project Promoter

Český svaz ochránců přírody

Czech Partner

Hamerský potok z.s.,

Pálečský statek, z.s.,

Pobočka České společnosti ornitologické na Vysočině,

ZO Českého svazu ochránců přírody Kněžice,

ZO ČSOP Vlašim.


In implementation process since 04/2021

Total Eligible Costs

125 132,25 EUR


112 619, 03 EUR (90 %)

Project description:

The aim of the project is to ensure optimal conditions for the survival of rare species of plants and animals in 14 wetland localities in the care of land trusts.

The way to this is a set of measures, including in particular the maintenance or restoration of forestless areas and the establishment of ponds.