CLARIFICATION AND EXTENSION of small grant scheme call (SGS 2): Support of NGOs activities in the field of prevention and early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases

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On the 31 March 2021, the Ministry of Health as Small Grant Scheme Operator in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance – Programme Operator launched the Open Call for applications for funding of projects from the Small Grant Scheme (SGS 2) of EEA Grants 2014-2021 in Programme Health focused on support of NGOs activities in the field of prevention and early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases.
With regard to the growing number of questions from applicants filling out grant applications in the section "Relevance of programme outputs" in the IS CEDR information system, we would like to further clarify the text of the call concerning the selection of programme outputs and their indicators (in accordance with Chapter 4.7.4 of the Guidelines for Applicants):
In case the applicant will focus her/his project on support area A:
— (s)he should select the programme output „2.3 Training/education in disease detection/ treatment provided“ and choose the programme output indicator „Number of training/educational initiatives/guidelines designed/carried out/implemented“ (this indicator is mandatory for her/him).
In case the applicant will focus her/his project on support area B, activity a) Educational activities aimed at family members and informal carers on early detection of dementia symptoms and treatment options and support options, including cooperation between professionals and informal carers:
— (s)he should select the programme output „2.3 Training/education in disease detection/ treatment provided“ and choose the programme output indicator „Number of trained family members/informal carers of patients with dementia“ (this indicator is mandatory for her/him).
In case the applicant will focus her/his project on support area B, activity b) Awareness-raising programs and campaigns of a comprehensive nature aimed at the general public focused on destigmatizing people living with dementia and at raising awareness of dementia, early detection of symptoms and treatment options:
— (s)he should select the programme output „2.4 Awareness raising activities carried out“ and choose the programme output indicator „Number of awareness raising campaigns carried out“ (this indicator is mandatory for her/him).
This clarification has been added to the text of the call (see the text in yellow). The addition of the above-mentioned text (from the Guideline for Applicants for Small Grant Scheme Projects) was conducted with the aim of achieving greater clarity for applicants and does not constitute introducing any new conditions. All other provisions of the call remain unchanged. An updated call text can be found on
In connection with the clarification of the call and with regard to the technical difficulties of applicants filling out the grant application in the section "Relevance of programme outputs", we would like to announce the extension of deadline for submission of grant applications in the SGS2 call until 7 June 2021, 12:00.