Prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases of people living in socially excluded localities, mainly Roma (ZDOVA2) – Final Results

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The Call was divided into two parts - The creation of information materials in a printed and online form for secondary prevention and the Provision of scientific documentation as a basis for the creation, validation, and implementation of medical recommendations concerning selected communicable and non-communicable diseases. One grant application was submitted into each part of the Call. Both applications were evaluated by independent experts and based on their evaluation the Selection Committee recommended projects for support.
Subsequent verification of the evaluation process confirmed that the evaluation provided by the Ministry of Health (Programme partner) was held transparently in line with the rules of the EEA Grants 2014-2020, the Health Programme, and the open call. Also, the recommended applications meet all conditions for approval.
The list of supported and reserve projects can be downloaded below:
Applicants have been officially informed in accordance with the Call.
We believe that both supported projects will significantly contribute to improving access to healthcare for marginalized groups of our population from socially excluded localities, especially the Roma. We wish all successful applicants many achievements in the implementation of projects.