Support of mental health of children and adolescents (ZDOVA1) – Final Results

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38 applications were received in the open call lasting from mid-May to the end of July 2020. More than one-fourth of them was prepared in cooperation with partners from Norway or Iceland. All applications were evaluated by independent experts and based on their evaluation the Selection Committee recommended 10 projects for support.
Subsequent verification of the evaluation process confirmed that the evaluation provided by the Ministry of Health (Programme partner) was held transparently in line with the rules of the EEA Grants 2014-2020, the Health Programme, and the open call. Also, the recommended applications meet all conditions for approval. The Selection Committee also approved 4 projects on a reserve list. We assume that the Programme Operator will decide about these projects by the end of March.
List of approved (and reserve) projects: Support of mental health of children and adolescents (ZDOVA1) (.PDF, 542 kB)
All applicants will be officially informed in accordance with the Call.
We believe that all supported projects will significantly contribute to reducing the incidence and progression of mental illness in the subsequent course of life of children and adolescents in the Czech Republic. We wish all successful applicants many achievements in the implementation of projects.