CALL CLOSED: Expansion of cooperation between the Czech Republic and Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland in the field of public health - call for applications for bilateral initiatives

Updated 16-9-2024 5:00 PM
- Update of Call text (de minimis)
- Update of Call text (formal update)
- Update of text (Call closed)
Due to spending of allocation, the call was closed as of September 16, 2024
On 15 May 2024 at 12:00 the Ministry of Finance acting as Programme Operator of the Health Programme announces call for proposals of grant applications for bilateral initiatives under the Fund for Bilateral Relations at Programme Level financed by the EEA Grants 2014-2021.
!! The Call is restricted. Eligible applicants are promoters of the projects supported by a grant from the open calls and pre-defined projects under the Health Programme in the programming period of the EEA Grants 2014-2021 !!
Due to the spending of allocation, the call was closed as of September 10, 2024.
The Call BAHE2 is dedicated to further development and expansion of bilateral cooperation between the Czech Republic and Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway in their effort to improve prevention and reduce inequality in health beyond the already implemented projects. It aims to strengthen mutual partnership and sharing of experience in the areas of prevention of mental disorders in children; prevention of non-communicable and communicable diseases as well as antimicrobial resistance; patient empowerment and strengthening the role of patient organizations. The Call invites the final beneficiaries who have cooperated with partners from Iceland, Lichtenstein or Norway in the past to continue and extend this cooperation. Both former and new partners from the aforementioned countries can be involved in a bilateral initiative. At the same time, the call also allow the project promoters who have not yet been active in bilateral cooperation to engage in creating new bilateral partnerships.
The applicant is required to submit the grant application in partnership with at least one entity from Iceland, Lichtenstein or Norway!
Call allocation: CZK 5 750 000.
Start and end of grant applications acceptance: grant applications can be submitted in the period between call announcement, i.e. 15 May 2024, 12:00 , till call termination, i.e. 30 September 2024, 12:00, or till allocation commitment.
Grant application elaboration and submission:
A grant application is accepted only in electronic form submitted via databox of the Programme Operator – the Ministry of Finance with ID xzeaauv.
All essential information on the aim of the call, eligibility of applicants and partners, eligible activities and the evaluation procedure is provided in the call text.
When elaboration the grant application, applicants shall follow the Guidelines for applicants and project promoters and the instructions in Annex 1 of the Call.
The text of the call and the Guidelines for applicants and project promoters can be downloaded from this page. For complete documentation, please visit the Czech version of the website.
On 4 July 2024, the Call and its Annex 1 were formally revised and updated to align the documentation. The currently valid documents can be found in the Downloadable Documents below.
The Programme Operator offers consultation on queries concerning the call, in particular where the specific information cannot be looked up by the applicant himself in the Guidelines, their annexes or the text of the call. Query shall be sent by e-mail to:
- BAHE2 - call EN - update 2 PDF (462kB)
- Bilateral Ambitions Guideline for Applicants and Final Beneficiaries-EN-version 3 PDF (873kB)