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Prevention of mental illness in children

Department 58 – International Relations
Department 58 – International Relations


Mental health promotion and prevention of mental illness with particular emphasis on children´s mental health and well-being

The first area of support within the Health Programme under the EEA Grants 2014-2021 is focused on children´s mental health promotion and prevention of children´s mental illness. The main aim is to improve children´s mental health and well-being by implementing measures with the greatest possible impact. Supported interventions/measures shall be targeted to the following areas:

1. Improving of parenting skills in order to prevent mental disorders in children.

Supported activities:

Implementation of Parenting programmes to improve mental health of children and youth that are potentially applicable to families without any mental health problems as well as to the highest risk groups, in which parents have severe mental health problems, suffer from drug or alcohol misuse or abuse their children etc. Programmes shall offer means to intercept behaviour problems in childhood and youth before mental disorders occur. Activities targeting families with already established child mental disorders will also be supported.

2. Implementing of innovative or improved diagnostic procedures, treatment or rehabilitation methods and/or establishing multidisciplinary teams when providing care for children with mental disorders or at risk of mental disorders.

Supported activities:

Introduction of improved forms of interventions, rehabilitation, therapeutic and diagnostic programmes or methods for children and adolescents with mental health problems or at risk of developing mental illnesses and their families (e.g. screening programmes, quantification of symptoms of mental health problems, structured, semi structured diagnostic tools and methods of assessment, use of modern technologies including electronic applications, diagnosis, specific evidence based treatment programs, coordinated work of multidisciplinary teams etc.).

3. Providing training and education to health professionals working with mentally ill children, to parents, school teachers and school psychologists. Implementing of education programmes in schools in order to raise awareness about mental health among children.

Supported activities:

Initiatives focused on education of children and adolescents (e.g. workshops and seminars at schools) in order to increase their awareness of mental health issues, promote their resilience and self-supporting skills in understanding and management of emotions, effective communication and stress management. Initiatives focused on training and education of parents, caregivers and family members in order to improve the chances for children and adolescents to avoid mental disorders. Initiatives focused on training of both health and other relevant professionals to enhance their capabilities and professional development with regard to their knowledge, skills and values in mental health practices.

4. Promoting awareness of children’s mental health issues among general public. Promotion activities among high school/university students in order to enhance their interest in child psychiatry and child psychology.

Supported activities:

Initiatives promoting awareness of children´s mental health and well-being in order to prevent problems that undermine mental health of children.