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OWIS – Media-educational Activation Program for Students and Educators with Intergenerational Overlap

Department 58 – International Relations
Department 58 – International Relations


Region National coverage
Title of the ProgrammeHome Affairs
Title of the ProjectOWIS – Media-educational Activation Program for Students and Educators with Intergenerational Overlap
Project Website

Number of the ProjectVV-MGS-004
Project Promoter

People in Need

Project Partner from Donor State


Czech Partner

Research Library in Liberec
School Institution – Leisure Center RADOVANEK


01/2022 – 12/2023

More Information

Target group: 

Children and youth (under and including 17 years of age)
Seniors (above 65)

Total Eligible Costs

83 893 EUR


75 503 EUR (90 %)

Stručné shrnutí projektu:

The main aim of the project is the education of young people through the so-called activation program, which will involve students from regions in the Czech Republic outside Prague, who will go through an educational cycle and implement their own projects. The project activities will increase the media literacy of the students involved, their peers, younger children and elderly people. Students will be provided with suitable tools and knowledge that will enable them to multiply information to the selected target group.
The project will create an educational material for students, that will provide information on project management, especially about activities in the field of media literacy, and will contain an educational part focusing mainly on disinformation, fake news, propaganda, and cyber-security. 
Teachers and youth workers play a key role in the educational process, and their development has a major impact on pupils' education. Some regions and types of schools have little or no media education opportunities. The project will hold seminars for educators from regions outside Prague and will be offered them a unique opportunity to learn about media issues using innovative educational methods, such as teaching through audiovisual materials. Educators will be actively supported to provide quality information to their students.