Anger management - work with perpetrators of violence

Region | National coverage |
Title of the Programme | Human Rights |
Title of the Project | Anger management - work with perpetrators of violence |
Number of the Project | LP-HRMGSD-003 |
Project Promoter | The League of Open Men (Liga otevřených mužů, z.s.) |
Status | Estimated Project Duration: 9/2022 - 4/2024 |
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Total Eligible Costs | 190 746 EUR |
Grant | 190 746 EUR (100 %) |
Project description:
The project aims to contribute to the primary and secondary prevention of violence in relationships and gender-based violence in the Czech Republic. This will be achieved by expanding and improving the quality of therapeutic work with clients (mainly men) who have difficulty managing their aggression and anger and who commit violence against their partners and children. Without working with the perpetrators of violence (especially men), the violence in relationships (especially against women and children) cannot be successfully stopped. As part of the project, group and individual therapeutic work with clients will be implemented.
Without working with the perpetrators of violence (especially men), violence in relationships cannot be successfully stopped. The problem that the project solves is violence in relationships, which is committed by both men and women (men to a greater extent). This violence can be of a physical, psychological and social nature, it is usually directed at close people and has a destructive effect on interpersonal relationships. It does not have to be only apparent and long-term abuse of a close person. It can be episodic outbursts of anger accompanied by violent behavior or less severe forms of violence that can often be dealt with at an early stage. The problem can be detected in time and solved using the "Anger Management" method without escalating it.
Work with the perpetrators of violence in relationships (both preventive and therapeutic) is not yet well established in the Czech Republic. In developed EU countries, these services belong to the standard complex of approaches to solving the problem of violence in relationships. In the Czech Republic, in most cases, professional therapeutic help and social work focus on the consequences of violence in families and victims of violence - in the form of services for victims of domestic violence or therapy for abused and neglected children. Organizations that work with perpetrators of violence in families in the Czech Republic are not numerous enough to meet the demand for services.
The insufficient capacities of the system of working with a violent person are due to severe underfunding and the absence of a systematic approach and deeper cooperation between non-profit organizations and public administration. At the same time, there is a will and a strong interest of organizations in the Czech Republic to move the situation in a positive direction. Work with the perpetrators of violence and its embedding in the system of work with violence within the whole country is also part of government strategies and concrete action plans. At the same time, professional capacities for working with the target group are increasing. The project, therefore, is in perfect accordance with the needs of the current situation in the Czech Republic.
The project includes the extension of the applicant's current program, which consists of systematic therapeutic, counseling and educational work with persons who commit violence, by implementing three more therapy groups and expanding the offer of individual therapy. The project also includes advocacy, evaluation and promotional activities intending to increase the establishment of the Anger Management program among the lay and professional public and thus ensuring its long-term sustainability and a deeper connection to other actors of the system of work with violent people in the Czech Republic.