Creating system for quantitative data collection to evaluate the situation of Roma in the Czech society

Updated 22-4-2022
- Project website updated
Region | National coverage |
Title of the Programme | Human Rights |
Title of the Project | Creating system for quantitative data collection to evaluate the situation of Roma in the Czech society |
Number of the Project | LP-PDP1-001 |
Project Promoter | Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs |
Status | Estimated Project duration: 1.1.2020 - 30.4.2024 |
More Information | Target group: Roma minority, relevant stakeholders in the public administration sector and civil sectors Web pages: |
Grant | 1 000 000 EUR |
Project description:
The project comprises the establishment of a system for the collection and analysis of quantitative data that indicates the socio-economic situation of members of the Roma minority in order to evaluate changes in this area over time, and the conducting of a sample survey of the target population.
The absence of data relating to the socio-economic situation of members of the Roma minority represents a long-term problem with respect to Czech integration policy aimed at the Roma minority and remains the main reason for the difficulties associated with the assessment of the fulfilment of its various objectives. The need for such data is mentioned, inter alia, in the key government document that addresses this issue, i.e. the Roma Integration Strategy for 2020: “The most pressing problem regarding the design of certain measures remains the establishment of appropriate indicators for the measurement of progress, as well as the setting of quantitatively formulated objectives. This situation is the consequence of the lack of the basic mapping of the situation of the Roma population in the Czech Republic in key areas including employment, education, housing and health”.
Given that the collection of ethnically-sensitive data is also associated with a range of ethical, methodological and legislative constraints, as well as insufficient legitimacy, the decision to collect such data has been postponed repeatedly. The project includes several activities that shall contribute to mitigate or overcome these issues and constraints and determine a constructive starting point. A methodologically correct sample survey will be designed and above mentioned data will be collected on a repeated basis focusing on members of the Roma minority. The information collected will be stored in a data file which will serve as the default version on which the repeated collection of data and the monitoring of the changes that affect the situation of the target population will be based. A methodology for the collection of ethnically-sensitive data will be developed. Thanks to this pre-defined project the legitimacy of the collection of ethnically-sensitive data on the Roma minority shall be increased.
The project thus aims to indirectly assist in the introduction of positive changes regarding the situation of members of the Roma minority.