Fighting the stereotypes and myths about sexual violence through awareness-raising

Region | National coverage |
Title of the Programme | Human Rights |
Title of the Project | Fighting the stereotypes and myths about sexual violence through awareness-raising |
Number of the Project | LP-HRMGSC-012 |
Project Promoter | proFem - center for victims of domestic and sexual violence (proFem - centrum pro oběti domácího a sexuálního násilí, o. p. s.) |
Status | Estimated project duration: 10/2022 - 4/2024 |
More Information | Target group:
Web site: |
Total Eligible Costs | 138 235 EUR |
Grant | 138 235 EUR (100 %) |
Project description:
The project aims to contribute to reducing the incidence of stereotypes, myths and misinformation about sexual violence in society and thus contribute to reducing the incidence of secondary victimization that victims of sexual violence often face, as well as reducing the incidence of sexual violence and sexual harassment as such.
The aim of the project is to increase the awareness of the general public, victims of sexual violence, journalists and students of journalism about sexual violence, to contribute to the correction of their views on this topic and, as a result, to contribute to a change in their attitudes and behavior. The target group is also proFem workers to strengthen their competences and thus strengthen the violence prevention system.
As it follows from a number of researches (Amnesty International CR; 2015, Persefona, 2016; IKEA, 2021), many myths, stereotypes and misinformation about sexual violence are still present in Czech society. Their examples: rape affects only tens/hundreds of women; the most common perpetrator is an unknown male; the woman is jointly responsible for the rape.
These stereotypes and myths influence the way society and individuals relate to the issue of sexual violence: how they deal with victims, how the victims themselves think about what they experienced, but also how individuals evaluate the appropriateness of their behavior and whether sexual violence or harassment allows At the same time, sexual violence is a serious and extensive problem that violates the basic human rights of the victims and harms the entire society: both in terms of the financial costs of the aid system and in terms of equality between women and men (as one of the barriers to achieving gender equality).
Project activities:
- an exhibition about sexual violence and sexual harassment,
- campaign on social networks and in public space,
- education of journalists and students of journalism,
- a comprehensive evaluation of all these activities.