Improvement of access to justice for vulnerable groups

Updated 6-5-2022
- Partners from the Czech Republic - added
- Information update
Region | National coverage |
Title of the Programme | Human Rights |
Title of the Project | Improvement of access to justice for vulnerable groups |
Number of the Project | LP - PDP6 - 001 |
Project Promoter | Judicial Academy |
Czech Partner | District Courts in Chrudim, Jeseník, Kladno, Kroměříž, Most, Šumperk, Tachov, Vsetín and Nový Jičín and District Court Prague 8 |
Status | Estimated project duration: 1.1.2020 - 31.12.2023 |
More Information | Target group: 1. vulnerable and marginalized groups of persons (children, foreigners, migrants, national minorities, seniors, LGBT persons, persons with disabilities or victims of domestic and gender-based violence in connection with their legal proceedings); Web pages: |
Grant | 1 427 382 EUR |
Project Description:
The project is implemented by the Judicial Academy in partnership with the District Courts in Chrudim, Jeseník, Kladno, Kroměříž, Most, Šumperk, Tachov, Vsetín, Nový Jičín and District Court Prague 8.
The project focuses on the right of access to justice, which is a fundamental human right. The data shows however that marginalised and vulnerable groups face specific barriers discouraging them from realising this right. This project focuses on measures and arrangements that should be done by the judicial system itself.
Key activities
- Educational activities, e-learning courses, videos and HELP courses, which will increase knowledge of judges and other judicial professionals in the human rights field and the area of domestic and gender-based violence. The legal professionals shall improve their skills that are essential in ensuring a disability sensitive, child-centred and DGBV victims-centred approach and that are required in dealing with DGBV perpetrators.
- Direct work with children within the “Children´s commission for the quality of justice” will help the Judicial academy to identify and remove barriers which may be discriminatory or discouraging children from access to justice.
- Introduction of forensic social workers at 10 partner district courts will facilitate the communication between justice and target groups.
- Study visits will allow judges to familiarize themselves with new practices from other judicial systems and to bring the experience to the Czech Republic.