Improvement of perpetrators treatment and victims support in cases of domestic and gender-based violence in the Czech Republic

Updated 20-5-2022
- Information update
Region | Prague |
Title of the Programme | Human Rights |
Title of the Project | Improvement of perpetrators treatment and victims support in cases of domestic and gender-based violence in the Czech Republic |
Number of the Project | LP-PDP7-001 |
Project Promoter | Institute of Criminology and Social prevention |
Status | Estimated project duration: 1. 1. 2020 - 31. 12. 2023 |
More Information | Target group: 1. Victims and perpetrators of domestic and gender-based violence (DGPN). Web pages: |
Grant | 300 000 EUR |
Project Description:
The project of the Institute of Criminology and Social prevention aims to improve the system of treatment of offenders and support victims in cases of domestic and gender-based violence (DGBV) in the Czech Republic.
The main objective of the project is to propose, on the basis of the lessons learned, effective measures to create an appropriate DGBV perpetrator treatment system that will improve the situation of DGBV victims by reducing the harm caused by violent persons. The results of the project should serve the relevant institutions responsible for policy-making and effective DGBV strategies.
Key activities:
- Mapping the current situation in the field of DGBV offenders and DGBV victim support (in the Czech Republic and abroad), examples of good practice (in the Czech Republic and abroad) and challenges of the existing DGBV perpetrator treatment system with special regard to the treatment in prison settings.
- Evaluation of existing measures applied to the perpetrators of DGBV through analysis of: legislation, statistics and court files.
- Implementation of research activities, i.e. expert surveys and in-depth interviews with relevant actors aimed at mapping their needs in terms of effective treatment of DGBV offenders and victim protection and prevention of victimization (law enforcement representatives, NGOs, offenders, victims).
- Formulating recommendations for policy on the systematic treatment of offenders of DGBV and supporting victims of DGBV in order to reduce shortcomings of the current system and strengthen good practice.