Interdisciplinary cooperation and development of personnel capacities in the prevention of domestic and gender-based violence in Jirkov

Region | Ústí nad Labem Region |
Title of the Programme | Human Rights |
Title of the Project | Interdisciplinary cooperation and development of personnel capacities in the prevention of domestic and gender-based violence in Jirkov |
Number of the Project | LP-HRMGSB-003 |
Project Promoter | Jirkov Municipal Institute of Social Services, contributory organization (Městský ústav sociálních služeb Jirkov, příspěvková organizace) |
Czech Partner |
Status | Estimated project duration: 11/2022 - 2/2024 |
More Information | Target groups:
Web site: Social media:
Total Eligible Costs | 148 330 EUR |
Grant | 148 330 EUR (100 %) |
Project description:
The project will focus on improving the situation in the town of Jirkov and its immediate surroundings in the area of a comprehensive approach to helping persons at risk and victims of domestic and gender-based violence. It will focus on the coordination of key local actors, increase professional capacities and ensure awareness raising and dissemination of information on the issue.
The project is a response to its experience of lack of capacity and interdisciplinary cooperation in the field. The aim is to increase capacity and coordinate the procedures within the individual cases addressed, but also to transfer good practice, exchange experiences and increase the competencies and expertise of the actors involved.
A new interdisciplinary platform will be set up and launched with a focus on addressing violence against disadvantaged people, in particular people with disabilities and the elderly. The platform will include regular meetings of the actors involved and an online environment to facilitate communication.
The platform will bring together relevant NGOs, healthcare institutions, local authorities, police and social service providers, and will promote healthy networking and partnership between actors. To support the motivation of actors, the project will be implemented in cooperation with the Jirkov City Council.
To ensure better accessibility and complexity of support, the project will increase professional capacities focused on the care of victims and vulnerable persons (in particular psychotherapists, lawyers and professional social workers).
The project will also implement awareness-raising activities aimed at raising awareness about the existence of the platform and the available forms of solutions and services to help victims.
The outputs of the project also include training of the staff of the actors involved. More than 100 future professionals in the field of health and social care will receive support in the form of training.