Place for All - Building a Space for Mutual Coexistence

Updated 31-8-2022 8:30 AM
- Basic information updated
- Project website updated
- Information update
- Basic information updated
Region | National coverage |
Title of the Programme | Human Rights |
Title of the Project | Place for All - Building a Space for Mutual Coexistence |
Number of the Project | LP-PDP4-001 |
Project Promoter | The Ministry of the Regional Development of the Czech Republic |
Project Partner from Donor State | Trygg Læring (Safe Learning), Norway |
Status | Estimated Project duration: 1.1.2020 - 31.12.2023 |
More Information | Target group: Civil society foundation, public organizations, regional organization employees, politicians, public, students. Web pages: |
Grant | 2 400 000 EUR |
Project description:
The project responds to the increasing rate of hate speech against minorities in public space. It aims to expand and maintain a platform for a sophisticated debate dealing with issues related to discrimination and bias violence in order to prevent hate speech and hate violence, and to equip opinion makers and decision makers with effective communication tools themes and related issues. The general public and opinion makers in selected locations will thus be better prepared to approach the issue of social inclusion in terms of opinion formation and the creation of a harmonious environment for mutual coexistence.
To prevent prejudicial, hateful behaviour, the project will operate on three levels of communication - the mass media, in a shared public space, and in direct communication with selected people.
The expected otucome of the project will be bigger efficiency of communicaton of human rights, reducing the intensity of aggression caused by prejudice in the areas of:
- communication on the issues of vulnerable minorities in the mass media and social networks,
- conflict resolution in educational institutions,
- presentation of measures supporting members of socially excluded communities at municipal level.
The project builds on existing capacities, in particular practices and products proven in the Campaign against Racism and Hate Violence 2014-2017.
Bilateral activities:
The aim of the project partnership is to transfer good practice among professionals active in the field of school mediation.
The partnership will take place as part of the School Mediation activity. Trygg Læring employees have a higher thematic expertise due to longer and wider experience with school mediation than is available in the Czech Republic. They will be involved in the preparation of the education of mediation and peer-mediation lecturers and in the development of the methodology of mediation at school and in the Norwegian environment to disseminate the project outputs