Region | National coverage |
Title of the Programme | Human Rights |
Title of the Project | STOPVIOLENCE.CZ |
Number of the Project | LP-HRMGSC-009 |
Project Promoter | ROSA - centre for women (ROSA - centrum pro ženy, z.s.) |
Czech Partner | Czech Professional Society for Inclusive Education (Česká odborná společnost pro inkluzivní vzdělávání) |
Status | Estimated Project duraiton: 10/2022 - 4/2024
More Information | Web site: Target groups:
Total Eligible Costs | 200 000 EUR |
Grant | 200 000 EUR (100 %) |
Project description
Violence against women is considered to be one of the main obstacles to achieving equality between women and men and one of the most widespread forms of human rights violations. Nevertheless, it is insufficiently perceived by Czech society as a human rights problem - in its full breadth, roots and consequences as understood by international definitions, standards and documents.
Violence against women is not a problem of women, but a problem for society as a whole. Persistent gender stereotypes are a significant obstacle to the effective prevention of domestic and gender-based violence and achieving gender equality. The Action Plan for the Prevention of Domestic and Gender-Based Violence 2019-2022 also draws attention to this fact. Awareness campaigns are an important prevention tool.
The project will run an information campaign aimed at raising awareness of forms of gender-based violence, including online violence, and combating gender stereotypes by targeting a change in attitudes towards violence against women in the whole society, with a special focus on men as a key, but the still little-addressed group.
The goal of the campaign will be fulfilled by the use of various means of communication - informative videos and spots, documentaries, podcasts, informative graphics, photos and posters, workshops and webinars. Printed outputs, videos and a document will also be created in language mutations so that migrant and minority target groups can also benefit from them.
Thanks to the involvement of the partner, the Czech Professional Society for Inclusive Education, the potential of the campaign's intervention among pupils and students, their parents, schools and teaching staff will increase.
The target groups also include journalists, who can shape the language used to talk about violence against women and thereby further influence the attitudes of society. The implementation of the project will have a positive impact on the prevention of secondary victimization of victims and on increasing the motivation of victims to leave a violent relationship at an early stage.