Support of the Roma Minority in the Prague 3 Municipality

Updated 2-5-2022
- Text updated
- Information update
Region | Prague |
Title of the Programme | Human Rights |
Title of the Project | Support of the Roma Minority in the Prague 3 Municipality |
Number of the Project | LP-HROVA1B-003 |
Project Promoter | Municipality of Prague 3 |
Czech Partner | R-Mosty, Word 21 |
Status | Estimated project duration: 09/2021 – 04/2024 |
More Information | Target group: Roma people, civil society organisations Web pages: |
Total Eligible Costs | 204 420 EUR |
Grant | 204 420 EUR (100 %) |
Project description:
The intention of the project is to strengthen the inclusion and empowerment of Roma people by strengthening the capacities of Roma advisors in order to ensure tasks that facilitate the exercise of the rights of members of the Roma minority and the integration of members of the Roma community into society, including ensuring their education.
The main goal of the project is to support the Roma minority in the territory of the Prague 3 municipality. The project includes the creation of a new position for a Roma advisor at the municipal office. The Roma advisor will contribute significantly to the integration of the Roma community in the area. The advisor will act as a mediator between the Roma minority and the majority society. From 2 November 2021 Mrs Veronika Polášková took the position of Roma advisor.
Thanks to the regular meetings of the Working Group on the Roma Minority, the local municipality will be linked to non-profit organizations that deal with Roma issues. This will ultimately lead to improved mutual cooperation, communication and understanding of the problems faced by the Roma minority.The first meeting of the working group for the Roma minority will take place on 6 December 2021 and will be attended by representatives of the Department of Social Affairs of the Prague 3 City Hall, including the Roma advisor, representatives of partner organizations (R-Mosty and Slovo 21), representatives of the Romodrom, RomanoNet, Romea, Cimburkova Elementary School, a representative of the Prague Social Services Center, and last but not least a representative of the MHMP. Meetings of the working group are held regularly every 2 months.
The project will contribute to increasing the sense of belonging on the part of the Roma minority and improving the status of Roma people and their perception by the majority society.