Together Against Violence in Southern Bohemia

Region | South Bohemian Region |
Title of the Programme | Human Rights |
Title of the Project | Together Against Violence in Southern Bohemia |
Number of the Project | LP-HRMGSB-002 |
Project Promoter | Diecézní charita České Budějovice |
Status | Estimated project duration: 1/2023 - 4/2024
More Information | Target groups:
End users:
Web site: Social media: |
Total Eligible Costs | 54 726 EUR |
Grant | 54 726 EUR (100 %) |
Project description:
The main objective of the project is to provide coordinated and systematic support to victims of domestic and gender-based violence through the creation of a functional professional interdisciplinary platform. The project responds to the need for close cooperation between the various actors assisting victims. It also reflects the need for sufficient information about the activities of organisations providing assistance to victims of domestic and gender-based violence in the South Bohemia Region.
The project builds on the long-standing experience of the Intervention Centre for Persons at Risk of Domestic Violence and the practice with the target group of victims of domestic violence, which the project implementer operates in the South Bohemian Region. The target group of the intervention centre will be extended by the project to include a group of victims of gender-based violence.
Another objective is to increase the professional capacity of individual entities involved in victim assistance and to raise awareness of the activities of organisations working in the field of victim assistance among professionals and the general public.
The Intervention Centre at the Diocesan Charity České Budějovice will coordinate the activities of the new interdisciplinary platform:
- It will set up a working group of representatives of actors.
- It will set the rules of cooperation within the platform and procedures for the exchange and sharing of information.
- It will educate the actors involved in the platform so that they can provide the necessary support to victims of domestic and gender-based violence.