TOGETHER: Help children - collaboration experts

Region | National coverage |
Title of the Programme | Human Rights |
Title of the Project | TOGETHER: Help children - collaboration experts |
Number of the Project | LP-HRMGSB-007 |
Project Promoter | Spirála, Ústecký kraj, z. s. |
Czech Partner |
Status | Estimated project duration: 1/2023 - 4/2024 |
More Information | Target groups:
End user:
Web site: Social media:
Total Eligible Costs | 147 146 EUR |
Grant | 147 146 EUR (100 %) |
Project description:
The project will improve support for children as particularly vulnerable victims of domestic violence. Children living in families affected by domestic or gender-based violence are perceived as "invisible victims". They are children for whom the system is unable to provide timely, comprehensive and professional assistance.
The project is aimed at creating an effective platform operating across the Ustecky region and Moravskoslezsky region. It will focus on strengthening the professional capacities of intervention centres and other actors of effective assistance to children at risk. The interdisciplinary teams will include entities and initiatives responsible for the given issue or which are providing assistance to children in the region in a new way.
Within the project:
- The competencies of workers in helping children at risk in the acute phase of dealing with domestic violence (during the eviction of a parent or the prohibition of contact between a parent and a child at risk) will be set and unified.
- To the cooperating non-profit and state organizations, the implementer will provide training and materials for early detection of the impact of violence on children and teach them how to conduct a crisis interview with a child at risk.
- Good practices will be shared.
- Characteristics of statistical data about children that are appropriate to collect and analyze will be proposed.
The model of cooperation, training and data collection will be tested in the Ústí nad Moravskoslezsky region and transferred to the practice of intervention centres across the country. The project will create functional cooperative platforms at the regional and national levels, pieces of training will take place, and manuals for professionals and information materials for parents and their children will be created.
The cooperation with a law firms will verify how the judiciary is prepared to defend the rights of vulnerable children and parents in this area. Good practice will be methodically set up with the persons responsible for the issue in the regional offices in the two regions concerned.
One of the accompanying activities is the media coverage of the topic of children at risk and the outcomes of the project activities. Intervention centres are set up specifically to help victims of domestic violence, the impact of the project will be long-term.