Towards Mutual Understanding

Updated 2-5-2022
- Information update
Region | Moravian-Silesian Region |
Title of the Programme | Human Rights |
Title of the Project | Towards Mutual Understanding |
Number of the Project | LP-HROVA1A-013 |
Project Promoter | Centre of Inclusion |
Czech Partner | EUROTOPIA.CZ, IQ Roma servis, Municipality of Budišov nad Budišovkou, Municipality of Vítkov, Mutual coexistence |
Status | Estimated project duration: 01/2022 – 12/2023 |
More Information | Target group: Roma people, civil society organizations, public Web pages: |
Total Eligible Costs | 111 954 EUR |
Grant | 111 954 EUR (100 %) |
Project description:
The intention of the project is to strengthen the inclusion and status of Roma people and to improve relations between the Roma minority and the majority in the Vítkov region.
The project aims to contribute to the activation and empowerment of Roma people residents and to create a competent community that will be aware of and formulate its needs and goals and then work on them together. It also aims to enable members of the Roma community to experience a sense of achievement and self-empowerment and to change the circumstances of their lives.
The key activities of the project include the implementation of community work in Budišov nad Budišovkou, support for Roma leaders and the creation of a Roma platform, and, last but not least, the implementation of educational and awareness-raising events to improve the image of Roma people in the Vítkov region.
By implementing the activities, the project will also contribute to the improvement of mutual relations between residents, to the mitigation of interpersonal and community conflicts, to the mitigation of risky behavioural manifestations, to a better public perception of residents of socially excluded localities and to the creation of a group identity.
The Project Promoter expects the project to contribute to the overall improvement of the situation of the Roma people living in the Vítkov region and to improve mutual relations with the majority.