Work with perpetrators of violence - campaign raising awareness about theraphy programmes

Region | National coverage |
Title of the Programme | Human Rights |
Title of the Project | Work with perpetrators of violence - campaign raising awareness about theraphy programmes |
Number of the Project | LP-HRMGSC-014 |
Project Promoter | The League of open men (Liga otevřených mužů, z.s.) |
Status | Estimated Project duration: 10/2022 - 4/2024 |
More Information | Target groups:
Web site: |
Total Eligible Costs | 153 329 EUR |
Grant | 153 329 EUR (100 %) |
Project description
The main goal of the project is to raise the awareness of the professional and lay population about the availability and nature of therapeutic programs for persons who commit violence in close relationships, through a thematic communication campaign. The goal is to raise awareness of all available programs for violent people in the Czech Republic, as well as the starting points, benefits and limits of therapy of violent behaviour.
The problem that the project solves is violence in relationships, which is committed by both men and women (men to a greater extent). This violence can be of a physical, psychological and social nature, it is usually directed at close people and has a destructive effect on interpersonal relationships. According to available research, up to a third of women in the Czech Republic have encountered some form of physical violence. It does not have to be only long-term abuse of a close person. It can be episodic outbursts of anger accompanied by violent behavior or less severe forms of violence, which can often be addressed and brought under control at an early stage and through targeted therapeutic work or counseling without escalating the problem.
Work with the perpetrators of violence in relationships, whether preventive or therapeutic, is not yet well established in the Czech Republic. In developed EU countries, these services belong to the standard complex of approaches to solving the problem of violence in relationships.
The project will increase awareness of therapeutic programs working with violent people from all over the Czech Republic and, at the same time, awareness of the topic as such - few people know what violence therapy entails and what its professional starting points, possibilities and limits are. And that includes experts or employees of the state administration. For this reason, the project does not only count on a massive campaign towards the public (also concerning the regional population in the places where specific programs operate - Prague, Brno, Hradec Králové, České Budějovice, Kladno), but also on the processing of professional content (interviews with experts, expert discussions, etc.)
As one of the outputs of the project, a certain "destigmatization" of violence and a lowering of the threshold for potential clients to enter therapy programs, especially for men, is also expected. The intention is in no way to relativize violence and its consequences. On the contrary, the intention is to inform potential clients that if they accept responsibility for their actions, violence can be stopped and brought under control with the help of targeted therapeutic work.