The effectiveness of campaigns on the prevention of domestic and gender-based violence and intimate partner violence among teenagers and young adults were the themes of the 4th meeting of the SYNERGY Network against Domestic and Gender-based Violence

The meeting of the SYNERGY Network against Domestic and Gender-based Violence was held in Prague (Snemovni 7) on 8 October 2019. After Oslo and Bucharest, it was the fourth meeting of the platform SYNERGY Network against Domestic and Gender-based Violence. The meeting was attended by 40 representatives of Czech, Norwegian and other foreign public institutions and non-profit organisations.
The main topic of this active discussion was teenage and young adults victims of intimate partner violence and the effectiveness of campaigns on the prevention of domestic and gender-based violence through the sharing of good practice and experiences by Czech, Norwegian and other foreign experts working in the thematic field.
During the meeting, the experts discussed the results of an international research on Teenage Dating Violence and the following topics:
specifics of working with teen and young adult victims of intimate partner violence,
documentary about online child abuse – a psychosocial experiment (“Caught in the Net”, Czech documentary film),
French initiatives focusing on teen dating violence and cybercrime prevention,
successful campaign – the principles and elements of effective campaigning,
Facebook as a tool/channel to raise awareness about domestic violence,
promising activities in awareness-raising,
key issues to consider in the planning of awareness-raising initiatives in line with article 13 of the Istanbul Convention.
More information on the topic and conclusions of the meeting can be downloaded below.
- SYNERGY meeting summaryPDF (1154kB)
- 1. International research on Teenage Dating Violence_MindBridge ConsultingPDF (2900kB)
- 2. Work with victims of intimate partner violence_D.Pokorna_proFemPDF (159kB)
- 3. Teenage Intimate Partner Violence Caroline ØverlienPDF (458kB)
- 4. French initiatives focusing on Teen Dating Violence and Cybercrime preventPDF (172kB)
- 5. Successful campaign KrutartPDF (49591kB)
- 6. The Norwegian Police’s Presence Online - CyberpatrolPDF (2025kB)
- 7. Awareness Raising Campaigns Promising activities Jenna ShearerPDF (3849kB)
- 8. Article13 Istanbul Convention Karin HeiseckePDF (272kB)
- SYNERGY PRAHA 2019PDF (3571kB)