Preliminary results for call Organisation of Awareness Raising Campaigns - Raising Awareness on Selected Areas of Domestic and Gender-based Violence (HRSGSC)

Before the deadline for submission of grant applications (15 March 2022) under small grant scheme “Organisation of Awareness Raising Campaigns - Raising Awareness on Selected Areas of Domestic and Gender-based Violence (HRSGSC)” opened within the Human Rights Programme, we received 18 grant applications. All of them met the formal requirements and eligibility conditions and were evaluated by independent experts. Based on their assessment, the Evaluation Committee recommended 11 projects for grant support and put 3 projects on a reserve list. The preliminary results of call HRSGSC (i.e. the list of projects selected for grant support) are available below in the section “Downloads”.
From the beginning of September 2022, the verification of the selection process was under way. The independent body confirmed that the selection procedure managed by the Ministry of Finance (the Programme Operator) was fully transparent and in accordance with all the rules set by Norway Grants 2014-2021, the Human Rights Programme and the Call text.
With respect to the ongoing verification procedure of individual grant applications, the below-published results are preliminary and may change incl. the final grant amount (as all the conditions set by the Selection Committee, cuts due to ineligible costs, etc. have to be reflected in contracts). As there are still some funds for re-granting available under the Human Rights Programme, an additional project from the reserve list could be eventually supported by a grant.
The final results of the Call will be published here once the verification procedure is completed. Applicants will be notified by an electronic letter sent to their Data Box and through information system CEDR. Details on the evaluation of individual applications are not public.
The details on the supported project will be available on Programme Human Rights website.
The projects supported a grant under this Call shall implement awareness-raising campaigns in the areas of (1) tackling gender stereotypes, sexism and the root causes of domestic and gender-based violence, (2) tackling emerging forms of gender-based violence and (3) motivating men to engage in the prevention of domestic and gender-based violence and the promotion of gender equality. We believe that the projects will effectively contribute to the system of the prevention of domestic violence and violence against women, which has been developed with the support of Norway Grants under the Human Rights Programme.