Preliminary results – Supporting treatment for perpetrators of domestic and gender-based violence (HRMGSD)

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In the call for a small grant scheme of the Human Rights programme, we received a total of 6 grant applications by February 2022, 1 of which was prepared in cooperation with partners from Norway. 5 grant applications met the formal requirements and eligibility conditions and were subsequently evaluated by expert evaluators. Based on their opinions, the Evaluation committee recommended supporting 4 of them. A list of preliminary results can be downloaded from the attached table on this page.
Since June 2022, the evaluation process has been verified. It was confirmed that the evaluation by the Ministry of Finance (programme operator) took place in a transparent manner and in accordance with the rules of the Norwegian Funds 2014-2021, the Human Rights programme and the announced calls.
With regard to the ongoing verification of individual applications, we would like to inform applicants that the published results are preliminary and may change, including the amount of the grant (eg according to the conditions set by the evaluation committee, including any reduction, available allocation or other proposed changes).
The final results will be published after the entire verification process on Applicants will be notified of the results via the Data Box and in the CEDR IS. Information on the details of the evaluation of individual applications will not be published.
We will gradually introduce all supported projects to you on our website.
Through the implementation of projects, it will be possible to increase the capacity and availability of therapeutic interventions for perpetrators of domestic violence and gender-based violence. We firmly believe that the projects will contribute to the reduction of these persistent social pathological phenomena in Czech society.