Results for call The Capacity Building of Intervention Centres (HRSGSB)

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Before the deadline for submission of grant applications (12 April 2022) under small grant scheme “The Capacity Building of Intervention Centres (HRSGSB)” opened within the Human Rights Programme, we received 9 grant applications.
All of them met the formal requirements and eligibility conditions and were evaluated by independent experts. Based on their assessment, the Evaluation Committee recommended 4 projects for grant support.
The remaining grant applications either did not meet specific quality criterion (which was also elimination criterion) based on expert evaluators’ assessment (4 projects) or were not recommended for grant support by the Selection Committee due to low quality (1 project).
From the mid-October 2022, the verification of the selection process and individual projects was under way. The independent body confirmed that the selection procedure managed by the Ministry of Finance (the Programme Operator) was fully transparent and in accordance with all the rules set by Norway Grants 2014-2021, the Human Rights Programme and the Call text.
The results of call HRSGSB (i.e. the list of projects selected for grant support) are available below in the section “Downloads”.
We believe the interdisciplinary cooperation to be essential for the appropriate and comprehensive resolution of cases of domestic and gender-based violence as well as indispensable to the effective prevention of these forms of violence. Therefore, we decided to enhance capacity building of organizations operating in the field of assistance to victims of domestic and gender-based violence and support projects on coordination of interdisciplinary cooperation at the regional level by a grant.
The details on the supported project will be available on Programme Human Rights website.
Congratulations to all successful applicants!