Final results – Professional care for imprisoned drug users and its continuity after release

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We bring final results of the open call focused on supporting the creation and implementation of the Case Management programme aimed at ensuring client stabilisation
The call was launched in January 2021 and 2 grant applications were submitted by May 2021. Both applications met the administrative and eligibility criteria and were subsequently evaluated by expert evaluators and based on their evaluation, and also taking into account the limit of funds allocated for this call, the selection committee recommended to support one of them.
The subsequent verification confirmed that the evaluation provided by the Ministry of Justice (Programme Partner) was carried out in a transparent manner and in accordance with the rules of the Norway Grants 2014-2021, the Justice Programme and the call and that the recommended applications fulfilled all the conditions for approval. In this context, the final results or the list of supported applications can be downloaded on this page.
Applicants have been notified of the results via data mailbox and in the IS CEDR.
The supported project will be presented on our website shortly.
Information on the details of the evaluation of individual applications will not be published. Due to the exhausted allocation, the open call will not be repeated in the current programming period.