Final results – Support of reintegration of persons conditionally released and released from prison

We bring final results of open call focused on support the creation and implementation of Mentoring programme. In total, 4 excellent projects were supported for almost 21 million CZK.
The call was launched in January 2021 and applicants submitted a total of 8 grant applications by March 2021, half of which were prepared in cooperation with partners from Norway.
Unfortunately, the final evaluation could not satisfy all grant applications given the limit of funds allocated for this call, although the overall quality of the applications submitted was of a very high standard.
The subsequent verification confirmed that the evaluation provided by the Ministry of Justice (Programme Partner) was transparent and in line with the rules of the Norway grants 2014 – 2021, the Justice Programme and the call and therefore the recommended applications met all the conditions for approval. In this context, the results can be downloaded on this page.
Applicants have been notified of the results via data mailbox and in the IS CEDR.
All supported projects will be gradually introduced on our website.
Due to the exhausted allocation, the open call will not be repeated in the current programming period.