Specification of the information about eligible applicants in the open call Professional care for imprisoned drug users and its continuity after release (JU1B)

The Ministry of Finance as the Programme Operator of the Justice Programme specifies the information about eligible applicants in the open call Professional care for imprisoned drug users and its continuity after release (JU1B). The specification concerns common-interest associations of legal entities as eligible applicants.
According to the call, eligible applicants can be non-governmental, non-profit organizations established as legal entities in the Czech Republic, having one of the legal forms set by the open call in chapter IV and in Annex Legal forms (annex 8 to the Guideline for applicants). Given the fact that the legal form common-interest association of legal entities is, according to Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, the relevant legal form for open call JU1B, this legal form was added to the list of eligible applicants. Common-interest associations of legal entities that were established by 31 December 2013 in accordance with the provisions of para. 20f and para 20j of Act No. 40/1964 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended, and which exist under the above mentioned repealed act, they meet the features of a non-governmental, non-profit organizations and thus meet the requirements for eligible applicants set out in the JU1B call.
In view of the timeline, the open call was announced on 14 January 2021 and the deadline for submission of grant applications was already extended to 31 May 2021 in order to provide potential applicants more time (especially with regard to covid measures) to negotiate the basis for the joint network of professional service providers in the area of addictology and terms of cooperation with specific prisons and other relevant stakeholders. No further extension of the open call is expected. We apologize for an administrative error connected with not listing the relevant legal form in the list of eligible applicants in the IS CEDR.
Following the above-mentioned specification, the text of the Open Call (chapter IV Eligible applicants) as well as annex Legal forms (Annex No. 8 to the Guideline for applicants) were updated. These documents are available here.