Specification of the information for applicants on the requirement to submit a valid certificate of professional competence in the open call Professional care for imprisoned drug users and its continuity after release (JU1B)

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The Ministry of Finance as the Programme Operator of Justice Programme specifies, on the basis of inquiries from applicants, information on the requirement to submit a valid certificate of professional competence for facilities and programmes providing addictological professional services awarded by the Government Council for Drug Policy Coordination (hereinafter as a „certificate of professional competence“) as a mandatory annex to the grant application in the open call Professional care for imprisoned drug users and its continuity after release (JU1B).
The precondition for submission of the grant application is submitting a valid certificate of professional competence. If the applicant is an organization, that as a representative of the project consortium applies for a grant for the implementation of the project in partnership, but this organisation within the project will not provide clients professional care in the form of Case management programme (i.e. the consortium representative will assure other activities during the project implementation, respectively the representative will not directly work with clients in the form of providing professional care, but its work will be – e.g. project management, coordination and administration activities, publicity activities etc.) then this organization does not have to be a holder of a certificate of professional competence.
A representative of a project consortium, who is not a holder of a certificate of professional competence, can be considered as an eligible applicant in the open call JU1B only if a certificate of a professional competence (a simple copy is sufficient) for each organization (which will provide professional services to clients in the form of Case management programme) involved in the project is provided in the annexes to the grant application. At the same time, there must be met a the precondition that the holder of a valid certificate of a professional competence, who will provide professional care to clients within the project in the form of Case management programme, must for at least 3 last years before the submission of the grant application continuously operate at least one service on the basis of the certificate of professional competence in accordance with the valid certification rules (Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic No. 931 of 16 December 2019 Rules of the system of certification of professional competence of addictological services for persons dependent or at risk of addiction and their relatives). Furthermore, the mandatory annexes to the grant application also include a Declaration on organisation´s activities filled in both for a representative of the project consortium, which acts as an applicant, and for each organization that will provide professional services to clients within the project in the form of Case management programme.
Following the above-mentioned specification, the Guideline for applicants as well as Checklist for verifying compliance within the criteria of formal requirements and eligibility - only in Czech (Annex No. 3 to the Guideline for applicants) were updated. The Guideline is also available here.