Support of reintegration of persons conditionally released and released from prison – Small grant scheme call

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Updated 16-2-2021
- Updated version of Guideline
The Ministry of Finance in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic, announces on 14 January 2021 the Small grant scheme call of projects to be funded from the Norway Grants 2014-2021 under the Programme CZ-Justice.
The Call objective is to create suitable conditions for re-socialization and re-integration of persons leaving imprisonment, both for persons leaving imprisonment after serving their entire sentence and for those released on parole.The Call supports the creation and implementation of the Mentoring programme that shall support its clients, using intensive and qualified approach of professionals and trained mentors, in achieving positive change, solving their problems and new life situations actively, and thus reducing the risk of back-sliding to crime.
Allocation: 20 979 175 CZK (EUR 791 667).
Deadline for submission of applications: 24 March 2021 (12.00 p.m.)
Programme area: Correctional Services and Pre-trial Detention
Applications can be submitted only electronically in the information system CEDR
All important information about the Call, eligibility of applicants, partners and activities and evaluation of applications are included in the text of the Calls. For preparation of applications, the applicants shall use the Guideline for Applicants with its annexes including a Checklist for pre-check of project intention eligibility and readiness for submission of the application in the information system.
The text of the Call and the Guideline for Applicants together with Annexes are available for download bellow.
Seminar for Applicants
The seminar for applicants in the support area Correctional Services and Pre-trial Detention will be organized on 9 February 2021. The seminar for Applicants will be organized in an online form. The seminar will introduce the open call and conditions for submission for applicants. More information on the seminar will be continuously updated on the website
Document updated
On 16th February 2021, the text of the Guideline for applicants (JU1A, JU1B) was updated in order to specify the conditions for the submission of Annex No. 12a Declaration on Organization´s Activities (JU1A). The updated text is highlighted in the Guideline for applicants (JU1A, JU1B).
Applications shall be submitted only electronically in the information system CEDR.
Entering the IS CEDR is possible via banner CEDR at the homepage or at, where you can also download a Guide for entering and registration in the IS CEDR.
It is also possible to look for better clarity at a video-guide that shall help with filling the information in the application in the IS CEDR (originally developed for Culture Programme).
Any queries concerning the Call (e.g. submission of the application, conditions of the Call, the method of appraisal and grant award) can be sent by e-mail to:
• (questions related with the conceptual aim of the Call and project ideas);
• (technical questions, e.g. eligibility of expenditures, co-financing, indicators etc.).
Frequently asked questions and answers will be published in the section Questions and Answers.
- Call - Justice - JU1APDF (2828kB)
- Guideline for applicants Justice (JU1A,JU1B)PDF (2851kB)
- Annex 11a - Detailed Specification Mentoring Programme (JU1A)PDF (129kB)
- Annex 11a - Detailed Specification Mentoring Programme (JU1A)DOCX (58kB)
- Annex 12a - Declaration Organization Activities (JU1A)PDF (106kB)
- Annex 12a - Declaration Organization Activities (JU1A)DOCX (50kB)