DA VINCI – DAta Visualisation, INterpretation and Comparison Improvements for organic pollutants in long-term monitoring networks

Region | National coverage |
Title of the Programme | Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services & Environmental Monitoring and Integrated Planning Control & Adaptation to Climate Change |
Title of the Project | DA VINCI – DAta Visualisation, INterpretation and Comparison Improvements for organic pollutants in long-term monitoring networks |
Project Website | |
Number of the Project | --- |
Project Promoter |
Masaryk University |
Name of Norwegian Partner(s) |
NILU - Norwegian Institute for Air Research |
Objective of the Project |
The aim of the presented project is to promote a better interpretation of globally available data on air contamination by persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and a more accurate analysis of their long-term trends. Meeting specific objectives will contribute to this, in particular (i) identification of uncertainties stemming from the compilation of data coming from various sources, (ii) more accurate interpretation of the results of passive sampling networks and analysis of their comparability with conventional methods for the purposes of the collective interpretation of trends, and (iii) new ways of analysis, presentation and interpretation of results usable for professional user community as well as the general public. The presented project is based on an analysis of current priorities identified in a number of European as well as national strategic documents, in particular in relation to the implementation of the Global Monitoring Plan (GMP) of the Stockholm Convention (SC) on POPs. These documents clearly indicate the need to analyze long-term trends in the concentrations of these substances in the environment and in human tissues for the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of the measures taken. The project proponent use long-term experience of the applicant with participation in the international monitoring network (EMEP, European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme) in their proposal along with the coordination of such networks (MONET). They build on an expertise of professionals involved, on existing capacities of accredited trace laboratories of the applicant and in particular on the existence of two significant data sources: system GENASIS (Global Environmental Assessment Information System), managed by the department of the applicant (MU) and the EBAS system managed by project partner (NILU). While GENASIS collects data on POPs obtained from networks of passive monitoring of air quality in the Czech Republic, Europe, Asia and Africa, EBAS provides data on active measurement of the ambient air and atmospheric deposition in the European EMEP network. The long-term nature of both the monitoring programs and their partial overlap offer the possibility of their joint analysis and derivation of generally valid conclusions that are methodically usable in the evaluation and interpretation of global data. By this the project will contribute to the achievement of program outputs (Enhanced implementation of environmental monitoring programs) as well as the fulfillment of its total results (Improving the awareness about the environment, about the impact, status and trends). The main benefit of the project to strengthen the implementation of environmental monitoring programs is an overall improvement of the quality and comparability of data on levels of POPs in air collected in global databases and enabling a high quality analysis of their long-term trends. This will further enable a responsible interpretation of these long-term monitored parameters towards the professional community as well as the general public. Dissemination of quality information and increase of public awareness of the whole range of problems associated with toxic substances in the environment is another important benefit of this project. The obtained data will mean a scientific and methodological contribution to the scientific community, but all the channels to transfer new information into practice both educational and practical will be used as well. Improved data quality will be reflected in the quality of an analysis of environmental and health risks that are relevant to public administration and government, as well as for private and industrial sector. The project will thus contribute to balance the differences in approaches to ensure the quality of the environment and health protection in different countries. Increased confidence in the data from passive monitoring networks will offer new possibilities for their interpretation, particularly where they represent a sole source of information and where they can (along with building of the appropriate capacities) initiate further development of monitoring activities and the related development of the labor market. Equally important contribution is the development of bilateral cooperation between the applicant (RECETOX, Masaryk University, the Czech Republic) and project partner (NILU, NO). This cooperation will lead to strengthening of the research capacity as well as managerial competencies of (mostly young) researchers from both the institutions, improvement of international mobility and increase in their potential for implementation of joint international projects in the future.
Approved grant |
Approximately 395 748 EUR |
Project Duration | Start date: 1st January 2015, End date: 31st March 2016 |