Development of strategy for mitigation of river fragmentation impacts in the hydrological network of the Czech republic

Region | National coverage |
Title of the Programme | Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services & Environmental Monitoring and Integrated Planning Control & Adaptation to Climate Change |
Title of the Project | Development of strategy for mitigation of river fragmentation impacts in the hydrological network of the Czech republic |
Number of the Project | --- |
Project Promoter |
Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic |
Name of Norwegian Partner(s) |
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) |
Name of Local Partner(s) |
Water Reasearch Institute |
Objective of the Project |
Within the project following activities will be addressed: A1 Developing a strategy of the migration flows permeability: The strategy aimed at the reduction of the impact of the fragmentation on water flows in the Czech Republic will focus on the two-way migration permeability of water flows with the primary interest in the conservation of nature, both on the international and national level. On the national level, flows important for the migration of species in EVL, NP, PLA and national categories of MZCHÚ based on subjects of the protection linked to the unfragmented environment will be selected for the purpose of the strategy. On the international level, backbone flows of the river network in the Czech Republic within international river basins, which are important migration bio-corridors for anadromous and catadromous species, will be addressed. The strategy will also focus on the important issues of water management (accumulation of water consumption, minimum flows, etc.) that affect the effects of fragmentation of a river network significantly and the possibilities of corrective measures. A2 Monitoring of fish migrations and populations: Tracking the fish migration in selected already implemented measures - fish ladders. An important part of the project is the implementation of the pilot monitoring of the migration of two flagship fish species - two-way migration of Atlantic salmon and catadromous migration of European eel in the original, current distribution area (catchment area of the rivers of Labe and Odra). Along with the migration monitoring the monitoring of the hydrological dynamics of locations that as a major factor affects fish migration and the effectiveness of corrective measures (e.g. fish ladders) will be carried out. Also the information on the current assessment of the success of remedial measures will be completed together with suggestions and recommendations for the application of type solutions of the migration permeability in practice. Also an overview of the occurrence of the objects of protection (fish and lampreys) within the fragmentation-endangered EVL will be processed. A3 Preparation of pilot projects: Pilot projects will be processed as feasibility studies for a specific solution of selected major obstacles in the Czech Republic. In particular, migration barriers at the Střekov water reservoir and the obstacles in the NP České Švýcarsko (NP Czech Switzerland), which are major restrictions for the free migration of Atlantic salmon and other diadromous and potadromous species in the Czech Republic, will be solved. A4 Project publicity: The publicity of the project will be dealt with organizing the final conference and separate seminars to the water management issue. For the purposes of the project a separate space for the presentation of the project will be created within the AOPK website. The activity will be complemented with the issue of a printed brochure on the Strategy interpretation (A1). A5 Project management: activity will focus on the project management.
Approved grant |
Approximately 865 004 EUR |
Project Duration | Start date: 1st January 2015, End date: 30th April 2016 |