Implementation od retention and infiltration adaptation measures in Morava river basin

Region | South Moravian Region |
Title of the Programme | Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services & Environmental Monitoring and Integrated Planning Control & Adaptation to Climate Change |
Title of the Project | Implementation od retention and infiltration adaptation measures in Morava river basin |
Number of the Project | --- |
Project Promoter |
River Coalition |
Name of Local Partner(s) |
Palacký University Olomouc |
Objective of the Project |
Making an impact study of climate changes and a proposal of retention and infiltration measures in the drainage basin of the Morava river. The study will evaluate four types of areas of interest – agricultural drainage basins, forest drainage basins, river meadows and urbanized areas. In terms of the level of detail, the study will distinguish among three levels – the whole drainage basin, priority areas and a proposed detail in a selected pilot drainage basin. The project consists of five modules - 1. Analysis of the current situation, 2. Data services, 3. Analysis evaluation and selection of measures, 4. Proposals and 5. Pre-negotiation, presentation and promotion of a solution. The module 1 (Analysis of the current situation) will include collecting of studies that have already been made, making an initial SWOT analysis, setting the local priorities in the concerned area, identifying vertical connections between soil layers and hydrogeological bases in the area, hydrological and hydropedological balance, identifying the hydric potential and assessing the terrain morphology. The module 2 (Data services) consists of acquiring, purchasing and converting background data, creating a central data warehouse of the project and services of operation of a project server including data administration and updating. The module 3 will include evaluation of efficiency of individual types of measures and selection of a set of appropriate measures, based on the results of the analysis. The module 4 (Proposals) will propose measures to be taken in agricultural and forest areas, in watercourses and meadows and in urbanized areas. Other steps included in this phase will be the harmonization of proposals in the concerned area, evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed measures, and multi-criteria assessment of effects throughout the territory. The module 5 will include pre-negotiation of a set of proposed measures with key administrators and users of the area. The set of measures will be revised on the basis of their comments. The feasibility of the set will be assessed and measures to overcome obstacles will be proposed. Based on the revised set of measures, supporting documents will be designed for planning administration work (area-planning documentation, phase II of plans of sectional drainage basins) as well as the supporting documents for the decision-making sphere. This module also includes activities securing the project publicity, presentation and promotion of the solutions. The partner of the project is the Palacký University in Olomouc.
Approved grant |
Approximately 296 749 EUR |
Project Duration | Start date: 1st January 2015, End date: 30th April 2016 |